5 Kids, 5,000 Books Before Kindergarten!

Lauren, Logan, Nikole, Charlotte, and Annelie all finished their goal of reading 1,000 books before kindergarten! That's 5,000 books! Way to go kids! We think that one of the best ways to encourage learning is to spend time with your kids each day sharing stories. P1020472 P1020473 P1020512 P1020517 P1020519 If you have a child who has not yet entered 5K, consider signing them up for our 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Club. Reading with your child will build a solid foundation of pre-reading skills that will ensure your child enters 5K ready to succeed in school! As an added bonus, when your child completes the program, they have the option of riding on the library float in the Cow Chip parade. Congratulations gang!