Job Center of Wisconsin

The Department of Workforce Development offers this comprehensive website for job seekers and employers.
South Central Library System Workforce Development Resources
The South Central Library Systems has a collection of resources for job seekers that include job listings, training, workforce readiness and more.
Sauk County Job Center
505 Broadway, Baraboo, WI 53913
The Sauk County Job Center offers tools and resources to assist job seekers including: workshops, skills and interest testing, and career advice.
Forward Service Corporation
414 Broadway, Baraboo, WI 53913
A non-profit corporation focused on four areas: jobs, education and training, transportation, and housing.
Programs include:
Wisconsin Works (W2) - Wisconsin's TANF (Temporary Aid for Needy Families) program provides cash assistance for families, while participants prepare and apply for work.
FSET (FoodShare Employment and Training) - Provides food assistance through FoodShare to families, while participants gain job skills.
Emergency Assistance - Assists families who are in danger of or have had utilities to their homes shut off.
WorkSmart Network
505 Broadway, Baraboo, WI 53913 (Located in the Sauk County Jobs Center)
WorkSmart Network is an employment and training service provider serving Columbia, Sauk, Dane, Jefferson, and Marquette counties. They assist dislocated workers, veterans, and young adults. Programs include job search skills and resume building, referrals to service agencies, and training services.